NightOwl's Roost
Guide to Creating a Bootable CD or DVD Without a Floppy Drive



Using Roxio v5.xx

Roxio's 'Easy CD Creator 5' appears to only allow for 'bootable CD's' and not DVD's.  It will allow for a 'data' DVD--just not bootable.

So, start Easy CD Creator 5 from 'Start|Programs|Roxio Easy CD Creator 5|Project Selector'.  Select 'Make a data CD|Data CD Project':

Screen Shot--Open Roxio CD Project. 

Select 'File|New CD Project|Bootable CD':

Screen Shot: Bootable CD

In the 'Choose Type of Bootable CD' dialog box, use these settings shown in the next screen shot, and use the 'Browse' button to go to your 'C:\Bootable CD Project\Boot Image' subdirectory, and click on the 'bootcdp1.ima' file, and then click 'OK'. 

Screen Shot: Type of Bootable CD Settings

Now, go to 'File|CD Project Properties' :

Screen Shot: CD Project Properties  

Set the following settings for the CD Project Properties:

Screen Shot: 'General' tab

Screen Shot: 'File System' tab

Screen Shot: 'File Types' tab

Press the red 'record' button:

Screen Shot: Record

Set the 'Record CD Setup' settings:

Screen Shot: 'Record CD Setup' settings

Once the settings are set, click 'Start Recording'.

When finished burning, you should return to the Step-by-Step Instructions--Step#12, Page 3, testing the bootable CD.


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